i can't think of any other words that start with eff.
seriously though.
I have had a roller coaster weekend.
Saturday 1:15 pm- up.
Saturday 9:45pm- down.
Sunday 12:00am-up.
Sunday 9:30am- down.
Sunday 12:00pm- up.
Sunday 5:00pm- down.
Now- just tired.
Sigh. Michael, i know you read this, so I'll just talk to you. It was super excellently awesome and fun and fantastic to see you yesterday. I believe you are most definitely one of the closest, most real, most honest, easy to talk to, relaxing, comfortable people I know. Thank you.
But it made me feel so alone, once you were gone.
And I just fell so many times this weekend, I got so frustrated with myself at work and with my attitude and about being so lonely and isolated. Bah. When there are hundreds of people outside my door and one inside with me (who is super cool). So what is this?
I want joy.
I don't want laughter from a good joke and then the emptiness returns.
I should not feel this way.
and yet to say that and to be critical of myself and saying that I am better than feeling this way is not helping....
Find my peace and strength and courage and identity
in something More.
than music
or books or jokes or games or money or pride or ability or food or no food or friends or coffee or anything else that i ever try to be satisfied by (and am disappointed by).
I know.
A lot.
So I should shut my mind up.
and just do it.
Thanks, Nike.
Because that is what is right.
sigh. doing what is right. sometimes, i feel like no one does.
why should i?
because I'll never be happy if i don't.
I'll update soon and let you know how it's going.
God is love and love is real. -mw/oY