Friday, October 17, 2008

driving to


and my font is georgia.

this is a dumb blog. similar to the dumb blonde, less jokes.

im just keeding, blondies.

i have some serious thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head that i would like to sort out, so i have a nine to ten hour drive ahead of me. so hopefully this evening, perhaps at some random place along the way, I will be able to give you some insight into these thoughts.

sneak peek: Title: "Similar to Torture."

It'll be good. :)

Also, success story.

My friend that I have been ministering to for a while now got saved and filled last saturday, and spoke in tongues on Wednesday. The change was incredible; she was so joyful. It was awesome. 

All right.
Happy Friday to all and to all, a good Friday.

1 comment:

Michael Johnson said...

The sneak peak title...interesting and I didn't know your friend got filled and spoke with tongues too! That is awesome! :)