Wednesday, May 5, 2010


First note: I’m on a lot of medicine, mostly sleep medicine. I’ll call you in three days when I wake up.

Second: In my delusion of body and clarity of mind, I’ve been having a lot of thoughts. I realized some things… For most of my life, I’ve acted and thought with a religious mindset. Religious meaning to look good because I’m supposed to look good, not because I am passionate about something religious.

This religiosity kept me a shiny, goody-two-shoes throughout middle school and most of high school. But religion is appearance, not heart, and I became an angry-inside, depressed-outside, but still go to church and be on a giddy high for 24 hours teenager. (Church is awesome, but not a substitute for a personal relationship with the God worshipped in service.)

Religion has worn me down, but now I know and recognize it. And I refuse it, but I am left with nothing. I feel like I am starting new, I’m a baby. Not that I am a new Christian; I prayed the prayer a long time ago…. And have been a shiny Christian on the outside since. However, I am now struggling with the inside. I am not a green, living branch, vitally connected, as I should be. I am a massacred limb, hanging by a thread, even as my insides dry out. I am threatened with being cut off, my mediocre color and my lukewarm life are dancing dangerously close to a cliff whose gulley I don’t want to see.

I question purpose, yet do not wait to hear an answer. I wail for direction in daylight and analyze till I sleep in darkness.

I am in conflict. I am in trouble. I have knowledge, and no revelation. I have religion and no relationship. I am what I have always judged and thought myself above.

I wrote in my journal, “I have fallen from the cliffs of morality. My standards are at sea level.”

And I cannot feign ignorance. I must act.

But I hesitate that my actions be motivated by appearance. I want relationship. I want direction. I am drying up without living water, yet I wait so that I do not drink to please people.

I want to want to please God.

Which starts with knowing what He desires. In a heart to heart way. In an “I live and act a certain way in order to please my Father” way.

This is my desire. This is my confession. I have been false. I am being made new. Starting from the inside out.

Dear Lord….


Mrs. Brown said...

Hi! I love you!!! I am proud of u for being honest not with the world of blogspot but with yourself. We have to remember that He never left. We walked away from Him. We walked away from relationship with Him. But all it takes is repentance and then jump back in. Listen to preaching, read the Word pray. Do all these things cause reading and praying is the only way we can have relationship. I love you so much!!!start now...

Michael Johnson said...

So much to say...but it is nothing you don't already know. You know I care and I am here for you. "Seek ye first..."